5 Beneficial Exercises For Osteoporosis Patients


June 16, 2023

/ Learn / 5 Beneficial Exercises For Osteoporosis Patients

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become thin, weak, and fragile due to the loss of bone density. It affects both men and women, but it is more common in women, particularly after menopause, when the body produces less estrogen, a hormone that helps to protect bones.

Other factors that increase the risk of developing osteoporosis include age, family history, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and a diet low in calcium and vitamin D.

Osteoporosis often has no symptoms in the early stages, which is why it is sometimes called a “silent disease.” However, as it progresses, it can cause a variety of symptoms. The most common symptom of osteoporosis is bone pain, which can occur in the back, hips, and wrists.

Perhaps most noteworthy is that individuals with osteoporosis may experience frequent fractures or breaks in their bones, particularly in the spine, hips, and wrists. Unfortunately, it is only after a fracture that many patients are diagnosed with osteoporosis.

The Connection Between Exercise And Bone Health

It might be surprising for some patients to learn that regular exercise plays an important role in maintaining bone health, as it helps to increase bone density and prevent bone loss. Engaging in weight-bearing activities can help to stimulate bone growth and improve bone strength.

Additionally, exercise can also help to improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and fractures, which is a common concern for individuals with osteoporosis.

When it comes to treating osteoporosis, exercise is often recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Along with medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, exercise can help to slow down the progression of osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures.

Additionally, exercise can help to improve overall health and wellbeing, reducing the risk of other chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which are often seen in individuals with osteoporosis.

Importance Of Osteoporosis Exercises

Weight-bearing exercises are known to be beneficial for bone health. These exercises put stress on the bones, which stimulates the cells that build new bone tissue. Here are just some of the natural benefits associated with exercise and improving overall bone health:

Improve The Bone Density

Resistance exercises help build bone density by triggering the cells to repair and strengthen the bones. By improving bone density, exercise can help prevent fractures in people with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis occurs when bone composition breaks down from a variety of factors. Exercise can help restore that strength and density.

Strength And Balance

In addition to improving bone density, exercise can also improve strength and balance, which are important for preventing falls and reducing the risk of fractures. Exercise can also improve overall health and well-being, which can be important for people with osteoporosis.

Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality, all of which can have a positive and emotionally-balancing impact on overall health. Exercise can also help maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Reducing The Risk Of Fractures

Strength exercises can help build muscle, which in turn can help support the bones and reduce the risk of fractures. Falls are a common cause of fractures in people with osteoporosis, so improving strength and balance can be an important part of preventing fractures.

5 Of The Best Exercises For Osteoporosis

It is important to note that not all types of exercise are equally effective for treating osteoporosis. In general, weight-bearing and resistance exercises that target the major muscle groups are the most effective for building bone density and strength. Examples of the most effective weight-bearing exercises include:

1. Weight-Bearing Exercises

Brisk Walking

Brisk walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help prevent and treat osteoporosis. This type of exercise helps improve bone density by stimulating the bones to grow stronger and become denser. Brisk walking also helps improve balance and coordination.

Additionally, brisk walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, making it a great option for individuals with joint pain or other physical limitations.


Jogging is a high-impact weight-bearing exercise that can help to treat osteoporosis by stimulating bone growth and increasing bone density. The repetitive impact of jogging can cause small amounts of damage to the bones, which prompts the body to repair and rebuild them, resulting in stronger and denser bones over time.

Additionally, jogging can also help to improve muscle strength, balance, and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls and fractures. However, it is important to note that jogging may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with joint pain or mobility issues.


Hiking and spending time outdoors can be a great way to help treat osteoporosis. Hiking on uneven terrain, such as trails or mountains, can help improve balance and stability.

Additionally, spending time in nature and breathing in fresh air can have numerous benefits for overall health and well-being, including reducing stress levels and improving mood. It is important to choose trails that are appropriate for your level of fitness and ability, and to wear appropriate footwear and clothing.


Dancing can be a fun and effective way to improve bone density, strength, and balance, which are all important for treating osteoporosis. It can also be a great way to boost mood and reduce stress, which can have positive effects on overall health.

Dancing can be adapted to suit a range of abilities and preferences, from gentle ballroom dancing to more high-intensity styles like hip hop or salsa. Regular dancing can also provide a social outlet and a sense of community, which can be especially beneficial for older adults who may be at higher risk for social isolation.

Stair Climbing

Stair climbing involves pushing against gravity, which helps to stimulate the bones to grow stronger. It is a high-impact exercise that can put stress on the joints, so it may not be appropriate for everyone with osteoporosis. However, for those who are able to do it, stair climbing can be an effective way to improve bone health and overall fitness.


Playing tennis can be an effective way to help treat osteoporosis due to its ability to increase bone density, improve balance and coordination, and strengthen muscles. The impact and weight-bearing nature of the sport help to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss, reducing the risk of fractures.

Additionally, tennis is a social sport that can provide a sense of community and boost mood. Regular participation in tennis can also improve cardiovascular health, which is important for overall well-being.

2. Resistance Training


Weightlifting can help treat osteoporosis by promoting bone density and strength. Resistance training is a type of weightlifting that focuses on building muscle and bone strength through the use of low-level weights. The stress placed on the bones during weightlifting can stimulate the growth of new bone tissue and improve bone density.

As bone density increases, the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis decreases. Weightlifting can also improve overall health by increasing muscle mass and improving balance, which can reduce the risk of falls and fractures. It is important to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as strength improves to prevent injury.

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups, can be an effective way to treat osteoporosis by improving bone density, strength, and balance. These exercises use the body’s own weight as resistance and can be done without the need for equipment or a gym membership.

By increasing the load on the bones, bodyweight exercises can stimulate bone growth and improve bone density. Incorporating bodyweight exercises into a regular exercise routine can improve overall health and well-being for individuals with osteoporosis.

Using Resistance Bands

Resistance bands provide resistance to movements, which helps stimulate bone growth and remodeling. Resistance band exercises can also target specific muscle groups and improve overall body strength and flexibility, which can help reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Additionally, resistance band exercises are low-impact and can be easily modified to fit individual fitness levels and abilities.

3. Yoga 

Yoga is a low-impact exercise that can be a beneficial addition to a treatment plan for osteoporosis. Certain yoga poses can help improve balance, posture, and flexibility, which can reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Additionally, weight-bearing yoga poses can stimulate bone growth and help maintain bone density. Yoga has also been shown to reduce stress, which can be beneficial for overall health and mood. It is important to work with a qualified yoga instructor who is knowledgeable about osteoporosis and can tailor the practice to individual needs and abilities.

4. Tai Chi 

Tai chi is a gentle form of exercise that has been shown to improve balance, flexibility, and strength, which are all important for treating osteoporosis. It is a low-impact exercise that involves slow, controlled movements and deep breathing, making it suitable for individuals with varying levels of mobility and fitness.

Tai chi has been found to be effective in improving bone density, reducing the risk of falls, and improving overall physical and mental well-being in individuals with osteoporosis. In addition, tai chi has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which are often associated with chronic pain and conditions like osteoporosis.

5. Low-Impact Aerobics

Low impact aerobics are a form of exercise that involves rhythmic movements, usually performed in a group setting. Unlike high impact aerobics, which put a lot of stress on the joints, low impact aerobics are designed to be gentle on the body while still providing a cardiovascular workout. This makes them an excellent form of exercise for individuals with osteoporosis.


Walking is a low-impact aerobic exercise that can help treat osteoporosis by improving bone density and reducing the risk of fractures. Walking also helps improve strength, balance, and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls.

Furthermore, walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can stimulate bone growth and help maintain bone health. Beyond its physical benefits, walking can also improve mood by releasing endorphins and reducing stress and anxiety.

It is a simple and accessible exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors, alone or with friends or family. A regular walking routine can help individuals with osteoporosis improve their bone health.


Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can be beneficial for individuals with osteoporosis. Cycling helps build bone density in the lower body, especially in the hips and legs, which are common areas of bone loss in individuals with osteoporosis. Regular cycling can also improve cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.

Additionally, cycling can improve moods by reducing stress and increasing endorphin levels. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of cycling to avoid injury or strain on the joints.

Elliptical Training

Much like cycling, Elliptical training is a low-impact aerobic exercise that can be beneficial for individuals with osteoporosis. This exercise works the entire body, including the bones, muscles, and joints, without putting too much stress on the bones. Elliptical training can help increase bone density by stimulating bone growth. It also improves strength and balance, which can help prevent falls, another common concern for people with osteoporosis.

Elliptical training can also improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness, which can lead to improved mood and quality of life.


Rowing is particularly beneficial because it is a full-body exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the legs, core, back, and arms. This can help improve overall bone health and reduce the risk of fractures. Regular rowing can help individuals with osteoporosis feel stronger, more confident, and more capable in their daily lives.


Swimming is a low-impact, non-weight-bearing exercise that can help treat osteoporosis. It is an effective form of cardiovascular exercise that can improve muscle strength and endurance, as well as bone density. Swimming can also help improve joint flexibility and range of motion, which can be especially beneficial for individuals with osteoporosis who may experience stiffness or pain in their joints.

Additionally, swimming can be a low-stress activity that can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health. However, it is important to note that swimming may not be as effective as weight-bearing exercises in improving bone density, so it should be combined with other types of exercise– such as water aerobics– for optimal results in treating osteoporosis.

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics, or aqua aerobics, can be a great way to treat osteoporosis as it provides a low-impact workout that puts minimal stress on the joints while still offering cardiovascular benefits. The buoyancy of the water can also help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls, which is particularly important for those with osteoporosis who are at a higher risk of fractures.

Additionally, being in the water can have a calming effect on the body and mind, helping to reduce stress and improve overall mood.

Tips And Techniques For Effective Exercises For Osteoporosis

While all of these suggested exercises are wonderful and fill us with optimism in treating out osteoporosis, many of us simply don’t know where to start. One tip is to start with low-impact exercises, such as walking or gentle yoga, to gradually build up strength and stamina.

It is important to choose exercises that are safe and appropriate for an individual’s age, fitness level, and medical history. Consulting a healthcare provider or a certified exercise professional can help to develop an exercise plan that is safe and effective.

Another technique for effective exercises for osteoporosis is to incorporate a variety of exercises that target different areas of the body. For example, weight-bearing exercises such as walking or hiking target the lower body, while resistance exercises such as lifting weights or using resistance bands can target the upper body. 

Precautions While Exercising With Osteoporosis

Improper form and lack of training can lead to injury while exercising, especially for individuals with conditions like osteoporosis. When performing exercises with incorrect form, there is a higher likelihood of putting unnecessary strain on joints and bones, which can lead to fractures and other injuries.

This is why it’s important to learn proper form and technique before attempting any exercise.

Furthermore, lack of training and inadequate warm-up can increase the risk of injury. Without proper training, individuals may not know the appropriate intensity and duration of exercise required to improve bone density and overall fitness.

Additionally, skipping a warm-up can lead to muscle strains and sprains, which can be particularly problematic for individuals with osteoporosis, who may have weaker bones and muscles.

Injuries caused by improper form and lack of training can be prevented by seeking guidance from a certified exercise professional or physical therapist. These professionals can help design a safe and effective exercise program tailored to individual needs, taking into account factors such as age, fitness level, and any pre-existing conditions.

They can also teach proper form and technique and ensure that exercises are performed correctly.

To ensure proper form and reduce the risk of injury, it is important to use the correct techniques when performing exercises. This may include maintaining proper posture, using proper breathing techniques, and using the appropriate amount of weight or resistance. It is also important to gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercises over time to avoid overexertion.

Overall, it’s important to listen to the body and take necessary precautions when exercising with osteoporosis or any other medical condition. If any pain or discomfort is felt during an exercise, it’s important to stop and seek medical attention if necessary.

With proper form, training, and guidance, exercise can be a safe and effective way to improve bone density and overall health for individuals with osteoporosis.

Stop Pain Associated With Osteoporosis By Relatyv

Relatyv leads the way with its whole-person approach to pain management and relief. With Electroanalgesia patients feel lasting relief from osteoporosis pain. Accompanying Electroanalgesia, patients can also expect to be treated to a specialized nutritional hydration therapy to assist the body in its natural healing process.

Finally, patients will be treated with a suite of lifestyle counseling and patient education that ensures they will have the opportunity to and confidence to tackle aspects of their osteoporosis pain on their own.

Relatyv offers the most effective form of electrical stimulation and pain relief through electroanalgesia. Not only is it safe and effective at treating osteoporosis pain, its efficacy outweighs that of other electrical stimulation therapies.

Electroanalgesia, with its high pulse electrical stimulation of 10,000 pulses per second, creates a depolarization effect on the pain neurons, while also stimulating tissue regeneration that repairs damaged nerves and damaged microvascular tissues. 

As a supplementary treatment in tandem with electroanalgesia, patients will be given a targeted hydration therapy that accounts for any missing or deficient nutrients the body might be lacking.

Relatyv’s specialized nutritional hydration therapy of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional necessities assists the body’s ability to relieve pain and works in conjunction with Electroanalgesia’s ability to relieve pain.

Patients can be sure that with Relatyv’s lifestyle counseling, they are in good hands and will find relief from osteoporosis pain. Lifestyle counseling with us can play an essential role in helping patients manage their osteoporosis.

One of the most crucial aspects of lifestyle counseling is educating patients on healthy lifestyle habits that can help slow down the progression of the disease. For example, patients can be advised to quit smoking and reduce their alcohol consumption, as these habits have been linked to decreased bone density.

Patients might also be counseled on the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, as being overweight or underweight can both be detrimental to bone health.

Another important aspect of lifestyle counseling for osteoporosis patients is advising them on proper nutrition. A diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other bone-healthy nutrients can help slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the risk of fractures.

Patients can be advised on dietary sources of these nutrients or may be recommended supplements to ensure they are getting enough of them.

Finally, lifestyle counseling with Relatyv can help patients with osteoporosis incorporate exercise into their daily routine safely. Exercise is essential for building and maintaining bone density, but– as we discussed earlier– improper form or overexertion can lead to injury.

With Relatyv, patients can be advised on safe exercises and techniques that are appropriate for their fitness level and medical condition. Overall, our lifestyle counseling can empower patients with osteoporosis to take an active role in managing their condition and improving their overall health.

About the Author

Will is a healthcare executive, innovator, entrepreneur, inventor, and writer with a wide range of experience in the medical field. Will has multiple degrees in a wide range of subjects that give depth to his capability as an entrepreneur and capacity to operate as an innovative healthcare executive.

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